Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Chocolate Biscuit Cake

12 oz good quality chocolate (not too milky, not too bitter: 50% is good)
4 oz butter
1 can (397g) Condensed Milk
10 oz biscuits: Rich Tea, or Digestive, or a mixture of both, broken into pieces but not into dust

Melt chocolate and butter slowly together in a large bowl, over, (not in,) barely simmering water.

When runny all through, mix in the condensed milk.

Then the broken biscuits

Spread into shallowish tin lined with silicone paper.  (not flat like a Swiss-roll tin, but not deep as a cake tin. You know the sort of thing: many small roasting tins are about the right size and depth)

Monday, February 24, 2014

Chocolate Mug Cake

Chocolate Mug Cake
(made in a mug, for those bakers in a bedsit who only have a mug, a spoon, and a microwave)

You need....
A Mug, a tablespoon, a microwave
Ingredients: -
4 Tablespoons of ordinary sugar
4 Tablespoons of self-raising flour (OR plain flour, if it’s what you have. It just won’t rise as much)
2 Tablesp of cocoa powder (use a good brand if you can; cheap ones don’t always taste very chocolatey)
1 egg
3 Tablesp milk
3 Tablesp mild cooking oil (not olive, preferably)
A dash of vanilla essence
(2 Tablespoons of chocolate chips, optional) (or chopped nuts, etc.)
Spoon into your Mug the first three ingredients,  - the flour, sugar and cocoa: mix them together.
Then drop in the egg and mix around as best you can. Then the milk and oil, and vanilla: mix all together thoroughly.
You may now add chocolate chips if using, or nuts, or a dash of cinnamon.
Place the Mug in the microwave and cook on HIGH (about 1000watts) for three minutes. (Or four minutes if wattage is lower)
Keep an eye to the micro while it cooks, stop if you smell burning!
Turn out of the m#ug onto a plate to cool, or else eat out of teh mug with a spoon - but there is enough for two people really. 

Mine billowed up out of the mug, I turned it out and it made a quite convincing small roll-shaped cake, a little moister than a baked one. Quite tasty but not very chocolatey, which I blame on the cheap cocoa powder. Cinnamon would have helped, I think.

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