Friday, August 5, 2011

Yet more about coffee measurements: starbucks version

They suggest, 2 tablespoons (10 grams) to 6 floz (180 ml) of water.
I did check by weighing the 2 tablespoons of starbucks fground coffee; impressed, it ddid indeed weigh 10 grams!

I mixed it with the specified amount of just-boiled water and it made an excellent brew; sweet and warming.

The one I used was Colombia; described on the packet as "balanced and nutty" it is quite coarsely ground. I steeped the mixture ofr a couple of minutes then ppoured through a sieve into a small mug. excellent.

Not so excellent was the effect on my husband, who chose to interpret "balanced and nutty" as an invitation to give of his best behaviour; alternating between sweetly polite and Professor-Branestawm crazY1

maybe i should have bought the other flavour, "balanced and lively"