Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Mineral Food game.

Years ago, one of my children read in some educational book that virtually all human foods were either animal or vegetable; the only two minerals that humans regularly consume being salt and water.
(Obviously this does not count the trace elements and minerals to be found within the foods)

This was discussed over the family dinner table one Hallowe'en. We began to think of others...the first two nominations were Rock Buns and Sand Tarts (An American biscuit sprinkled with coarse sugar)
Water Biscuits, someone else offered.
Stone Cream, I countered.

And thus was born the Mineral Food Game which we have played on and off in the family, and also on facebook, for the last year or so.

Lots and lots of suggestions have been recorded...contibutions are still being accepted!

Here's an incomplete list of the best suggestions!

Sand tarts
Stone cream
Water biscuits
Seaside rock
Mississippi mud pie
Lime juice
Key lime pie
Lime anything etc etc...
Salt crackers
Soda water
Soda crackers etc
And of course, Lime Soda!

and so on...all offers accepted...no, they won't be!! it must be a mineral and SOUND like a mineral food. But suggestions gratefully received...