Tuesday, May 12, 2009

ABC: The All-purpose Birthday Cake

All-purpose Birthday Cake.

I am proud to report that I invented this recipe myself. It was originally made with some low-calorie spread or other - can't remember which one, but it accounts for the slight vagueness in the quantity for fat: use a little more if a lo-cal is being used, a little less if Dairygold.

It is an unbelievably simple and versatile recipe. Very easy to mix, no creaming, cooks quickly and the result is a fairly shallow sheet of light cake that can be cut into shapes, iced in any style, and served with any dessert like ice cream, whipped cream, fruit salad, etc etc. Cut into one-inch cubes to serve, and it will be enjoyed even by non-dessert-eaters or bored children. It is best baked in a chicken-size roasting tin that is lined with baking parchment. For complex shapes, double ingredients and use a large roasting tin.

Set oven to 180C or 350F; shelf across the middle

Line small roasting tin etc as above.

Sift together once or twice into large bowl:
8 oz plain flour
7 oz caster sugar
2 teasp baking pdr
1 tsp Bextartar

Make hole in middle; add
4 - 5 oz light soft marg ie golden Olive
4 fl oz milk
2 eggs
1 teasp vanilla/any other flavouring you like: (grated lemon rind is good, and use the juice, diluted, as your extra liquid.)
[OPTIONAL] up to 2 fl oz diluted orange squash or juice IF NEEDED to loosen batter

Beat vigorously for 2 - 3 mins. Add dollop of moistening (as in recipe) if too dry, it is a slack batter, not dough.
Pour into tin, about 1 and a half ins deep: bake in prepared tin for half an hour.
Turn out, cool, then strip paper off. Carve into shapes when cool. Ice with fondant or water icing or any topping. It goes a long way if cut into small cubes, which I recommend.
Good for making a celebration cake for any occasion.